The Pious Union of the Infant Jesus

1. Purpose of the “Pious Union”

  • Promote the cult of the Infant Jesus, so that everyone will know and imitate the virtues and examples of the hidden life of the Son of God.
  • Under the special protection of the infant Jesus, especially the children, because the Lord  protects them from all evils, preserves innocence and saves them from the pitfalls of sin.

2. Obligations of the members.

  • Give your name to the center of the “Pious Union” at the Shrine of Arenzano because it can be mentioned in the register.
  • Always wear or carry the medal of Infant Jesus, which will be given along with the registration card.
  • Pray every day to Infant Jesus, for example, with Prayer which is recited every night in the Shrine of Arenzano or with the Chaplet  prayer or by reciting  three Glory be to the Father along with a very short prayer: “Holy Infant Jesus, bless me”.

3. Spiritual Benefits

  • For the spiritual communion that exists among all the members, each one maintains and is supported by the others with mutual prayer and good works.
  • Spiritually participates in the life of prayer and all the good that has been accomplished  in the Shrine of Arenzano. Particularly, every evening there is a special supplication for the members and those who rely on the Infant Jesus.
  • On 25th of every month a special function takes place at the Shrine of Arenzano in honor of the Infant Jesus and the intention of the 27 Holy Masses are for the well-being of everyone  inscribed – both living and dead. Holy Mass for these intentions is offered also the midnight Mass at Christmas, the day of Epiphany and the Feast of Ascension.

4. Indulgences

Everyone inscribed can gain the following indulgences in which are applicable to themselves and the Souls in Purgatory:

  • on the day of registration;
  • In the following festivals: on the Feast of the Infant Jesus, at Christmas, on the Feast of the Mother of God (January 1st), on the Feast of Annunciation (March 25), and the Feast of Ascension.

Indulgence can be received under the usual conditions – detachment from sin, confession, communion, prayer for the Pope – visit the Shrine of Arenzano or, if impossible, another church, and firmly renewing the intention to observe the commitments of the “Pious Union”.

    Submit the membership of the Pious Union of Infant Jesus

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    Ask for Membership to the Pious Union *
    for yourselffor a minor

    If membership is required for a minor, specify the degree of kinship or link with the minor:

    You will be contacted by a member of the Sanctuary for your response to your Membership Application and for an appointment. Thank you.

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