The Divine Childhood
Scenes from the childhood of Jesus from the rose window:
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The humanity of Christ is the main sacrament of the believer, the effective sign through which Salvation comes, for this “The Word became flesh” (Jn.1:14). From here comes the importance of considering the human affair of Jesus, meditating on the mysteries of his earthly life, even those of his infancy. A meditation adhering to the gospel story, which is a affective attachment to the love of Jesus, and which, through imitation, introduces Christ’s deep imitation.
Precisely the meditation of the mysteries of the Childhood of Jesus, through the Chaplet prayer, constitutes the most spiritually fruitful aspect of the worship of Jesus in Prague.
Historical knowledge about Jesus described by the Gospel is critically incontrovertible. He comes from Nazareth, is located in Galilee, a semi-desert region and therefore despised by pure Israelites, for which it was obvious that nothing good could come from that land. In Galilee, in fact, the Aramaic-Galilean dialect was spoken and the common people did not know the Hebrew, so important to reading the scriptures. The birth of Jesus, scholars indicate the 6-7BC, and His death was 30 DC. The mother of Jesus was a young woman, named Mary, bride of Joseph, he was a carpenter; this seems to have been the job of the young Galileo.
Until the beginning of public life, thirty years ago, Jesus remained in Nazareth, where he probably attended the school of rabbis to learn Hebrew. During those years he never emerged an extraordinary events, apart from the event of finding in the temple among law scholars. His life spent like other guys in Nazareth. After many years of humble hiding and silence in the home walls, Jesus began his mission of proclaiming the Kingdom of God. He rejected by religious leaders, incoherent by the crowds and abandoned by his followers, he is crucified under the Roman Emperor Pontius Pilated, declared political stirrer and religious profaner. According the prophecies, Jesus resurrected the third day, appearing to several occasions before ascending to heaven. This Gospel is historically trustworthy as the various witnesses of the fact are certainly worthy of faith, as their life shows, all spent in the of proclaiming of the Gospel to the point of martyrdom.
In the essential plot of this news, especially those reported by the Gospels of infancy (Matthew and Luke), we can glimpse the whole mystery of Infant Jesus, true God and true man. In every sentiment, word, gesture, situation in which the Infant Jesus lives, God and his plan of love become manifest; everything is revelation, nothing happens by chance.